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Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain.pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
Pest Control Spain. Bugs and Pest Control Spain. pest control products
ants in home, ants in apartment, cockroach bites. cockroach eggs. cockroach killer. cockroach infestation. cockroach traps.

Pest Control Products
Use the products we use, only available through us and THEY WORK!
(Min order value is 80 euros to new customers or sold to existing customers as part of a call out service.)

We deliver via the Postal System.

All orders where possible come with user instructions

We strongly advise the use of the following products after the initial pest visit to ensure that the reported pest is kept under control and a further call out is avoided.

To order please use the order button or the contact us form.

Meal Table Products (regular use will deter insects)
Alcohol based repellent 20.00 Mozzygon Interior and Exterior Mosquito candles (contains transflutrina insecticide) pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain, mosquitoes 4.99

Wasps are a constant nuisance when trying to have breakfast, lunch or dinner in the patio. Watch the wasps quickly fly away when they smell this.

Note: Safe on skin. 

Mosquitoes, Wasps and other small Insects (regular use will deter insects)

You can spend a lot of time and money trying to get rid of flying insects from your garden. Ask yourself, do I want them away from my urbanisation, my partida, my garden? Or would I be happy with repelling them from my living areas? Fogging or spraying is an expensive business and needs to be repeated. It also kills other beneficial insects. These product last a long time. are much cheaper and give better results.

Mozzygon Interior and Exterior Mosquito candles (contains transflutrina insecticide) 

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain, mosquitoes

Available Mail Order


Strong and Ideal for Exterior use, just place in a saucer and light.
(Repels mosquitos for hours. Suitable for under cover areas, terraces, patios BBQ's etc).
pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain mosquitoes 5.00

perfect for wasps and mosquitoes

Fly, Mosquito, Moth, Flying Ants/Termites zappers: pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain mosquitoes 15.00 5 Liter ready to go strong Tiger Mosquito  insecticide


pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain mosquitoes 10.00
Mosquito/Wasp repellent plants 15.00

Wasps & Hornets

You can spend a lot of time and money trying to get rid of flying insects from your garden. Ask yourself, do I want them away from my urbanisation, my partida, my garden? Or would I be happy with repelling them from my living areas? Fogging or spraying is an expensive business and needs to be repeated. It also kills other beneficial insects. These product last a long time. are much cheaper and give better results.

Wasp repellent

(only suitable for wood, stone, brick, tile surfaces)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain wasps 5.99 5 Liter wasp insecticide pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain wasps 10.00
Wasp attractant

(liquid to refill wasp traps)


pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain wasps 7.50 Wasp killer insecticide powder

(ideal for nests in stone or cavity walls. or under roof tiles)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain wasps 15.00
Wasp Repellent 

(remove lid place on your table and no more wasps - last months)

more details...


see video

25.00 +P&P

(triple pack)



Rodents (poisons/baits should be re-administered until pests have gone)
Wood Rat Traps

(ideal for locations near electrical wiring)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 5.00 Rat Bait refill 

(irresistible bait for interior rat traps - 200mL tub)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 10.00
Plastic Rat Traps

(strong, designed for placing at ground level interior or exterior use)


pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 15.00 Rat Tube Poison Refill 

(for exterior rat tubes - 200mL tub)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 15.00
Compact Rat/Mouse Traps

(ideal for locations that are difficult to access or near to electrical wires e.g. in false ceilings)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice

(tested down to 50 gms)

5.00 euros Rat Tubes (specially designed poisoned rat tubes for exterior use only - refill at  regular intervals. Pet safe) pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 10.00 euros

Sticky pads

(Ideal for catching rodents)

10 euros (Pack of 2)  Rats /Mice Mass exterminator box

(designed to catch and kill larger numbers of rodents)

45.00 euros

Bed Bugs (insecticides should be re-administered until bites have stopped)
Bed Bug Spray

(immediate action pesticide. Apply to furniture)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain bed bugs 45.00 Bed Bug Powder

(for long term protection. Apply to skirting in affected room)

Bed Bug Repellent Pellets (repels cockroaches and bed bugs

contents min 12. Place on in corner of room)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain bed bugs 20.00 Bed Bug Insecticide Tabs 

(seal in polythene bags to fumigate possible infected items) 

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain bed bugs 20.00

Ants & Cockroaches (poisons/baits should be re-administered until pests have gone)
Ant bait/poison
(min order 3)
pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 20.00 Cockroach bait/poison  (interior use pet safe) pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 10.00
Ant Traps

(pet safe)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain ants cockroaches 3 for  10 euros Cockroach Traps 

(pre-loaded with poison. Use in environments with no pets)

pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain ants cockroaches 3 for 20 euros
Cockroach bait refill

(exterior use)


pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain rats mice 10.00 Sticky pads

(Ideal for catching cockroaches quickly in one place)


10 euros (Pack of 2) 
Cockroach Mass Extinction Box

(pet friendly, weatherproof, ideal for mass extinction of cockroaches outdoors)


cockroach mass extinction box

Available Mail Order

(suggested order 2 units - 1 rear garden, 1 front garden)

See details

45.00 euros




Cockroach Concentrated Killer Liquid

(ideal for toilets, bathrooms and sinks. Flushes through to drains and septic tanks)

Available Mail Order




Cockroach Powder

(apply around skirtings)

10.00 euros Ant Powder

(apply around nest entrance/exit)

1/2 Kilo jar 15.00 euros

Fleas (insecticides should be re-administered until bites have stopped)
Flea Spray (use as an immediate solution for fleas - pet safe) pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain fleas 10.00 Flea powder (apply to carpets, rugs, skirtings etc for long term protection) 10.00

Bait Station

Pre-treated wood.(approx 12" x 4" x 1")  Attracts and kills termites over many months - ideal for killing inaccessible sub-terranean termite nests.
Advised as a first line of defense if you are not using anything else.




Pigeon Spikes, Stainless Steel Pigeon Spikes, Outdoor Resistant for Balconies etc

Self install.

Fixing suggestions are: Double sided tape, contact adhesive or epoxy resin (araldite).

Household Products
Floor Detergent (with insecticide) Dilute Concentrate to 1% strength pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain floor cleaner 10.00

(1 Litre)

ideal for floors and patios

Paint Mold Additive

(concentrated - add 2 capfulls to 750mL paint)

Double Action Mold Solution

(with fungicide)

19 euros

(2 x 1 Liter

Apply using window spray bottle)

Foggers (Insecticide)
Discounts are given on call outs.
35.00 euros

Pest Control Guide

Lots of useful tips and tricks to help you get rid of pests, deter them and stop them in the first instance, discourage them from coming back

65 euros
Pay by Debit Card
Guide sent by return
pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain
Pest Control Company, pest control, pest control products, pest products, spain